Prompt changing

The functions

OhMyREPL.input_prompt!(str::Union{String, Function}, color::Union{Symbol, Int64})
OhMyREPL.output_prompt!(str::Union{String, Function}, color::Union{Symbol, Int64})

can be used to change the way that the input and output prompts are displayed.

As an example, after running:

OhMyREPL.input_prompt!("> ", :magenta)
OhMyREPL.output_prompt!("> ", :red)

If the first argument instead is a function, it will be run every time the prompt wants to update which allows for more dynamic behavior.

The different possible colors can be found by typing Base.text_colors in the Julia REPL's help mode. Colors in Base.text_colors can be called by names (e.g. :red, :green) or by an integer from 0 to 255 inclusive.

As an example after, running:

OhMyREPL.input_prompt!("> ", 13)
OhMyREPL.output_prompt!("> ", 14)


You can use something like OhMyREPL.input_prompt!(string(VERSION) * ">", :green) to show which version of Julia you are currently running.