Axis-like objects

Simple group plot

cs = [[(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (2,0)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (2,1)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (1,0)]]

@pgf gp = GroupPlot(
        group_style = { group_size = "2 by 2",},
        height = "4cm",
        width = "4cm"

@pgf for (i, coords) in enumerate(cs)
    push!(gp, {title = i})
    push!(gp, PlotInc(Coordinates(coords)))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Multiple group plots

Each set of options (here, empty {}) starts a new set of axes.

x = range(0; stop =2*pi, length = 100)
@pgf GroupPlot(
        group_style =
            group_size="2 by 1",
            xticklabels_at="edge bottom",
            yticklabels_at="edge left"
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x .+ 0.5))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x .+ 0.5))))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Using Axis etc in group plots

Alternatively, you can use Axis, SemiLogXAxis, SemiLogYAxis and LogLogAxis to group together options and a set of plots. This makes it easier to combine existing plots into a grouped plot.

x = range(0; stop=2, length = 100)
exp_plot = PlotInc(Table(x, exp.(x)))
exp_legend = LegendEntry(raw"$\exp(x)$")
log_plot = PlotInc(Table(x, log.(x)))
log_legend = LegendEntry(raw"$\log(x)$")

axs1 = @pgf Axis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs2 = @pgf SemiLogYAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs3 = @pgf SemiLogXAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs4 = @pgf LogLogAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)

@pgf GroupPlot(
    { group_style = { group_size="2 by 2" },
      legend_pos="north west",
    axs1, axs2, axs3, axs4)

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Polar axis

angles = [ℯ/50*360*i for i in 1:500]
radius = [1/(sqrt(i)) for i in range(1; stop = 10, length = 500)]
PolarAxis(PlotInc(Coordinates(angles, radius)))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Smith Chart

 # Samples for 100 MHz to 10 GHz
frequency = range(100e6,stop=10e9,length=10)
L = 1e-9 # 1 nH
R = 25   # 25 Ω
Z0 = 50  # 50 Ω Reference
# Series network of R + jωL, normalized
network = @. (R + 1.0im*2*pi*frequency*L) / Z0
SmithChart(Plot(Coordinates([(real(z),imag(z)) for z in network])))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Ternary axis

@pgf TernaryAxis(
        xlabel="x", ylabel="y", zlabel="z",
        Table(["x" => [0, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0],
               "y" => [0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 0],
               "z" => [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
               "C" => [100, 0, 0, 0, 20, 100]])

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Legend independently of axes

The following example shows how to construct multiple plots using the same styles, then display the legend separately.

First, define some common styles we reuse.

using Colors, PGFPlotsX
x = range(-π, π; length = 100)
styles = map(color -> @pgf({ color = color, thick, no_marks }), [colorant"#faab36", colorant"#249ea0"])
2-element Vector{PGFPlotsX.Options}:
 [color={rgb,1:red,0.9804;green,0.6706;blue,0.2118}, thick, no marks] 
 [color={rgb,1:red,0.1412;green,0.6196;blue,0.6275}, thick, no marks] 

Then make use of them to create a plot.

function _make_axis(x, fs, styles, ylabel)
    axis = @pgf Axis({ xlabel = "x", ylabel = ylabel })
    for (f, style) in zip(fs, styles)
        @pgf push!(axis, Plot(style, Table(x, f.(x))))
@pgf GroupPlot(
        group_style =
                group_size="2 by 1",
                xticklabels_at="edge bottom",
                yticklabels_at="edge left"
    _make_axis(x, [sin, cos], styles, "functions"),
    _make_axis(x, [cos, x -> -sin(x)], styles, "derivatives"),

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Then we construct the legend.

axis = @pgf Axis({ hide_axis, xmin = 0, xmax = 5, ymin = 0, ymax = 1, # magnitudes don't matter
                   legend_style={ draw="white!15!black", "legend cell align=left"}});
for (style, label) in zip(styles, ["sin", "cos"])
    push!(axis, LegendImage(style), LegendEntry(label))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]