Axis-like objects

Simple group plot

cs = [[(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (2,0)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (2,1)],
      [(0,2), (1,1), (1,0)]]

@pgf gp = GroupPlot(
        group_style = { group_size = "2 by 2",},
        height = "4cm",
        width = "4cm"

@pgf for (i, coords) in enumerate(cs)
    push!(gp, {title = i})
    push!(gp, PlotInc(Coordinates(coords)))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Multiple group plots

Each set of options (here, empty {}) starts a new set of axes.

x = range(0; stop =2*pi, length = 100)
@pgf GroupPlot(
        group_style =
            group_size="2 by 1",
            xticklabels_at="edge bottom",
            yticklabels_at="edge left"
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, sin.(x .+ 0.5))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x))),
    PlotInc(Table(x, cos.(x .+ 0.5))))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Using Axis etc in group plots

Alternatively, you can use Axis, SemiLogXAxis, SemiLogYAxis and LogLogAxis to group together options and a set of plots. This makes it easier to combine existing plots into a grouped plot.

x = range(0; stop=2, length = 100)
exp_plot = PlotInc(Table(x, exp.(x)))
exp_legend = LegendEntry(raw"$\exp(x)$")
log_plot = PlotInc(Table(x, log.(x)))
log_legend = LegendEntry(raw"$\log(x)$")

axs1 = @pgf Axis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs2 = @pgf SemiLogYAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs3 = @pgf SemiLogXAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)
axs4 = @pgf LogLogAxis(exp_plot, exp_legend, log_plot, log_legend)

@pgf GroupPlot(
    { group_style = { group_size="2 by 2" },
      legend_pos="north west",
    axs1, axs2, axs3, axs4)

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Polar axis

angles = [ℯ/50*360*i for i in 1:500]
radius = [1/(sqrt(i)) for i in range(1; stop = 10, length = 500)]
PolarAxis(PlotInc(Coordinates(angles, radius)))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]

Smith Chart

 # Samples for 100 MHz to 10 GHz
frequency = range(100e6,stop=10e9,length=10)
L = 1e-9 # 1 nH
R = 25   # 25 Ω
Z0 = 50  # 50 Ω Reference
# Series network of R + jωL, normalized
network = @. (R + 1.0im*2*pi*frequency*L) / Z0
SmithChart(Plot(Coordinates([(real(z),imag(z)) for z in network])))

[.pdf], [generated .tex]