
print_tex(io, elt, [container])

Print elt to io as LaTeX code. The optional third argument allows methods to work differently depending on the container.

print_tex(String, ...) returns the LaTeX code as a String.

This method should indent as if at the top level, containers indent their contents as necessary. See print_indent.

print_tex(io, str)

Print a string as is, terminated with a newline.


This is used as a workaround for LaTeX code that does not have a corresponding type, eg as elements in Axis. raw or LaTeXStrings are useful to avoid piling up backslashes. The newline is added to separate tokens.

print_tex(io, vector)

Vectors are emitted elementwise without any extra whitespace as LaTeX code, using the print_tex method for each element.

print_tex(io, x)

Real numbers are printed as is, except for non-finite representation.

print_indent(f, io_main)

Call the f with an IO buffer, capture the output, print it to io_main indended with four spaces.

print_indent(io_main, elt)

Print elt to io with indentation. Shortcut for the function wrapper of print_indent for a single element.

expand_scanlines(n, nrow)

Expand scanlines, which is a vector of scanline positions or an integer for repeated scanlines, into a Vector{Int}.

Options(pairs; print_empty)

Options passed to PGFPlots for various structures (table, plot, etc).

Contents emitted in key = value form, or key when value ≡ nothing. Also see the @pgf convenience macro.

When print_empty = false (the default), empty options are not printed. Use print_empty = true to force printing a [] in this case.


A file which is spliced directly to the preamble. Customize the file at this path for site-specific setting that apply for every plot.