
Options, which usually occur between brackets ([]) after commands like \addplot, table, or beginnings of environments like \begin{axis} in LaTeX code, are key to most of the functionality of PGFPlots.

The @pgf macro

Use the @pgf {} macro to define options.

@pgf { ... }

@pgf some(nested(form({ ... })),
          with_multiple_options({ ... }))

Construct Options from comma-delimited key (without value), key = value, key : value, or key => value pairs enclosed in { ... }, anywhere in the expression.

The argument is traversed recursively, allowing { ... } expressions in multiple places.

Multi-word keys need to be either quoted, or written with underscores replacing spaces.

@pgf {
    "only marks",
    mark_size = "0.6pt",
    mark = "o",
    color => "black",

Another Options can be spliced into one being created using ..., e.g.

theme = @pgf {xmajorgrids, x_grid_style = "white"}

axis_opt = @pgf {theme..., title = "My figure"}

Use {} for empty options that print as [] in LaTeX.

For constructors that accept options, they always come first. When omitted, there are assumed to be no options.

julia> c = Coordinates([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8]);

julia> p = @pgf PlotInc({ "very thick", "mark" => "halfcircle" }, c);

julia> print_tex(p); # print_tex can be used to preview the generated .tex
\addplot+[very thick, mark={halfcircle}]
    coordinates {

Inside the expression following @pgf, {} expressions can be nested, and can also occur in multiple places.

julia> @pgf a = Axis(
               "axis background/.style" =
                   top_color = "gray",
                   bottom_color = "white",
               ymode = "log"

which is converted to LaTeX as

julia> print_tex(a)
\begin{axis}[axis background/.style={shade, top color={gray}, bottom color={white}}, ymode={log}]
        coordinates {

If you use @pgf inside argument lists, make sure you wrap its argument in parentheses, eg

Plot(@pgf({ scatter }), some_table)

Otherwise Julia will also pass the subsequent arguments through @pgf, which results in an error since they are combined into a tuple.

Each option is either a standalone keyword (without value, modifying the plot by itself), or a keyword-value pair. Keywords can be entered

  1. as Julia identifiers, which is useful for keywords with no spaces (eg smooth),

  2. separated by underscores, which are replaced by spaces (eg only_marks will appear in LaTeX code as only marks),

  3. or quoted as strings, eg "very thick".

Values are provided after a =, :, or =>, so the following are equivalent:

  1. @pgf { draw = "black" },

  2. @pgf { draw : "black" },

  3. @pgf { draw => "black" }.

Values should be valid Julia expressions, as they are evaluated, so you cannot use @pgf { draw = black } unless black is assigned to some Julia value in that context.


Keys that contain symbols that in Julia are operators (e.g the key "axis background/.style") have to be entered as strings.


In addition to replacing underscores in keys, the following transformations of values are done when the options are written in .tex style:

  • A list as a value is written as "comma joined" e.g. [1, 2, 3] -> "1, 2, 3".

  • A tuple as a value is written with braces delimiting the elements e.g. (60, 30) -> {60}{30}

Modifying options after an object is created

It is sometimes convenient to set and get options after an object has been created.

You can use getindex, setindex! (ie obj["option"] or obj["option"] = value, respectively), and delete! just like you would for modifiable associative collections (eg a Dict).

julia> c = Coordinates([1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 8]);

julia> p = PlotInc(c);

julia> p["fill"] = "blue";

julia> p["fill"]

julia> @pgf p["axis background/.style"] = { shade, top_color = "gray", bottom_color = "white" };

julia> p["axis background/.style"]["top_color"];

julia> p["very thick"] = nothing # Set a value-less options;

julia> delete!(p, "fill");

julia> print_tex(p)
\addplot+[axis background/.style={shade, top color={gray}, bottom color={white}}, very thick]
    coordinates {

You can also merge in options that have been created separately, using merge!:

julia> a = Axis();

julia> @pgf opts = {xmin = 0, ymax = 1, ybar};

julia> merge!(a, opts);

julia> print_tex(a)
\begin{axis}[xmin={0}, ymax={1}, ybar]

An alternative to using merge! is using ... to splice an option into another one, e.g.

julia> theme = @pgf {xmajorgrids, ymajorgrids};

julia> a = Axis(
           @pgf {theme..., title = "Foo"}

julia> print_tex(a)
\begin{axis}[xmajorgrids, ymajorgrids, title={Foo}]

It is then easy to apply, for example, a “theme” to an axis where the theme is a set of options already saved.

Empty options

Empty options are not printed by default, but printing [] can be useful in some cases, eg when combined with global settings \pgfplotsset{every axis plot/.append style={...}} in LaTeX code. In order to force printing empty options, it is recommended to use {} in expressions like

@pgf Plot({}, ...)